Why don’t the Russian generals that have brains just get rid of Putin and his cronies and save thousands of lives and also think of Russia’s future? Surely there must be some?

 It's understandable to wonder why Russian generals haven't taken matters into their own hands to remove Vladimir Putin and his associates from power, potentially saving thousands of lives and securing Russia's future. However, the situation is far more complex.

Putin's leadership style and policies have created an environment where loyalty is valued above all else. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a longtime loyalist, was recently removed from his position due to dissatisfaction with the war effort in Ukraine ¹. This move demonstrates that even loyalty and experience aren't enough to guarantee job security under Putin.

The Russian military strategy has traditionally followed a well-established playbook, focusing on massed indirect fires and mobile formations. This approach has been criticized, notably by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the former head of the Wagner Group ¹. Prigozhin's public criticism showcased problems with Shoigu's strategy in Ukraine.

The recent appointment of Andrei Belousov, a civilian economist, as Defense Minister may signal a shift towards innovation and drone technology. Belousov's background could be better suited for improving Russia's defense production in a prolonged conflict ¹. This change might embolden Putin's confidence in winning the war through attrition.

*Reasons Behind the Generals' Inaction:*

_Loyalty over Performance_: Putin prioritizes loyalty over military success, making it challenging for generals to speak out or act against him ¹.

- _Fear of Retribution_: Generals may fear consequences for themselves and their families if they oppose Putin ².

- _Systemic Corruption_: The Russian system is deeply entrenched in corruption, making it difficult for anyone to challenge Putin's authority ².

While there may be Russian generals who disagree with Putin's policies, the risks of opposing him are significant. The complexities of Putin's regime, combined with the fear of retribution and systemic corruption, make it challenging for anyone to take decisive action against him ² ¹.


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